Medizinesch Industrie

Lager fir medizinescht Ausrüstung & Geräter
Am medezinesche Beräich, CHG offer customers a personalized service, From the bearings design to product delivery, we do our utmost to achieve the highest levels of reliability, quality and safety. When choosing bearings for medical devices & medical applications, considerations include high speeds, low noise, service life and resistance to harsh environments, aggressive chemicals or fluids. These factors coupled with strict regulations make selecting the correct bearing of the utmost importance.

CHG Bearings provides a range of bearing Produiten tailored to the demanding applications of the medical industry, including surgical and dental tools, diagnostic and laboratory equipment, pumps and much more. CHG offers a variety of véier-Punkt Kontakt Kugellager an dënn Schlaangringlager kënnen verschidden Aarte vu Lasten an Är spezifesch Leeschtungsfuerderunge treffen.

Beispiller vun Uwendungen:
Linear Guiden fir Röntgen a MRI
Diagnostice Equipement
CT Scanner
Ophthalmesch Ausrüstung
Mënsch Hëllef Robotik
Roboter Chirurgie Apparater
Onkologie Behandlung Maschinnen
PET Scanner

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